Liebster Award!

Whoa. I’ve only posted two posts and yet I’ve been nominated by Scattered Thoughts. Thank you so much! 🙂

Such a supportive community. I’m glad I joined wordpress a few days ago ❤



1) Post the award on your blog
2) Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog
3) Write 11 random facts about yourself
4) Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers
5) Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I LOVEEEEEE sleeping. I cannot live without sleep. Once, I slept 16 hours straight.
  2. I am 174 cm. YES. Any other tall girls out there?
  3. I hope to visit Antarctica some time near the future.
  4. I am obsessed with MUN. Call me nerdy, I don’t care. I’ve been involved in MUN since the seventh grade, and I’m still an active MUNer 🙂
  5. I play the flute. I’m actually going to compete in the national music competition this December. I’m scared 😦 Wish me luck prease.
  6. My dream school is the beautiful school in New Haven.
  7. I attend a 1-12 school, so I’ve known most of my friends since 1st grade.
  8. My favorite movie is The Giver. If you haven’t watched it yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? It’s amazing.
  9. I have a little sister named Jessica
  10. If I had to choose between meat and seafood, I’ll definitely choose SEAFOOOOD. ❤
  11. I absolutely hate cinnamon. Unless it’s churros. I love churros

Questions Asked by Scattered Thoughts

1) What is your Hobby?

 My hobbies include jogging, playing the flute, doing yoga, blogging (started recently!), and watching TV shows. I LOVE TV SHOWS.

2) What movies have you watched recently?

 I haven’t watched a movie since school started 😦 But during summer, I went to the movie theater REALLY often. I watched various movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy, The Giver, The Fault in Our Stars, Transformers, etc

3) What novels have you read recently?

I haven’t had time to read novels ever since school started either 😦 Junior year is tough.

4) Do you love or just like chocolates?

I LOVE CHOCOLATE. Especially mint or milk chocolate. ahhh!

5) What is your favorite TV show?

I don’t have a favorite TV show. THERE ARE TOO MANY AWESOME ONES. I watch both K-drama and American TV shows. If we’re talking about American TV shows, I love Arrow, Flash, Suits, Vampire Diaries, How I Met Your Mother (I’m so sad it ended) and many more! 🙂

6) Are you a friendly person?

I hope so!

7) Do you think you write good?

No, I think writing is one of my major weaknesses 😦 I hope posting blogs will improve my writing skills! 🙂

8) In which format you like to read books? Ebook or in black and white?

Er, I like to read traditional books with pages instead of Ebooks.

9) What is your favorite dish?

AH! Another hard question. I LOVE SO MANY DIFFERENT CUISINES! Korean, Italian, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese . . . I’m sorry. I can’t answer this question. It’s too hard for me.

10) Is your mom a good chef?

Yup! She makes the best korean food ever!

11) Which cold drink do u like the most? Pepsi Or Dew?

NONE. I LIKE SPRITE. Sproke is pretty good too (half sprite half coke). ❤

*I’m still relatively new here, so I’ll nominate as many bloggers as I can

I nominate:

1) My life and its ups and downs

2) The Ponderings of A Teenage Girl

3) Pages From My Thoughts

4) piercethepaige

5) itstaylorbrunn

6) anothergirlwithapointlessblog

7) Deviant dreamer

8) A Teenager’s Diary

My Questions for You!

1) How old are you?

2) How tall are you?

3) Which country do you want to travel to the most?

4) What is your nationality?

5) What is your dream job?

6) What is your favorite TV show?

7) When did you start your blog?

8) Why did you start your blog?

9) Who is your favorite blogger?

10) What do you hope to gain from blogging?

11) What brand is your smartphone?

Once again, thank you Shattered Thoughts for nominating me!

and thank you, followers, for reading my posts ❤

Here, you get a cute potato today 🙂


Why, three-year-old me? WHY?!

Hello internet!

I’m so scared that you guys will stop reading after this post because my weirdness is too much for you to handle. But you did choose to follow me after my first post about mutual weirdness. . . #dontjudgepls It’s only my second post here yet I’m already posting about my most embarrassing moment of my life . That’s great.

Today, I was talking to my parents about me 13 years ago. Then my mom suddenly said, “HEY YOU KNOW? YOU WERE A BADASS WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG!” <– that was paraphrased, by the way. ANYWAYS, so apparently, when I was three, I bit a kid’s nose at preschool. I DIDN’T BITE IT OFF CHILLAX. I DON’T HAVE A THING FOR BITING PEOPLE’S NOSES EITHER. To be honest, I don’t really remember the biting part. But I remember the anger. I think the kid stole my toy or something. I MEAN COME ON. I WAS THREE. ARE YOU REALLY JUDGING ME FOR WHAT I DID WHEN I WAS THREE YEARS OLD. I’m pretty nice and tolerant, mang. If this kid pissed me off, he or she probably did something horrible (yeah I don’t even remember the kid’s gender). Okay, I admit it. I’m a horrible human being D: WHY THREE-YEAR-OLD JENNY? WHY? I want to crawl into a hole and stay there forever.  😦

Well, on the bright side, I don’t bite people’s noses anymore! YAY. oh gawd. I’m such a sad person. Well that’s that.

If you continued reading on without unfollowing me, YOU’RE GREAT! HERE, YOU DESERVE A COOKIE.

I love chocolate chip cookies. omg it’s like 2:30am here and I’m craving for a cookie. </3 my sad, sad, life.

Anyways, yeah. I was a pretty badass kid. Sorry, kid-who-got-his/her-nose-bitten-by-me. I apologize (13 years later. HEHHEEH)

That’s it for today. See y’all soon!



Wow, what a creative title for a first blog post! I know, I know. -.- follow-worthy, right? Well, if you’re reading this post, hello! I’m not sure why you bothered clicking on this post, but YOU’VE MADE THE RIGHT DECISION (just kidding . . . but seriously :P) Okay. first post. I’m nervous. To be honest, I created this blog to rant and release all my stress from school, relationships… just life in general. I’m not really expecting anything out of this. I just hope that I’ll be able to find people who can relate to my life experiences. If you’re into reading about other people’s misery to make yourself feel better, this is the perfect place for you! As you can see by now, I’m not an extraordinary writer. Nope. In fact, I suck at writing. But if you can tolerate that part of me and you still want to continue reading on, that’s great! LETS BE FRIENDS ❤ Sorry, this wasn’t a dazzling intro. I just rambled on and on. But hey, that’s good right? Since it makes it seem like we’re actually talking face to face! yay! … please don’t judge me. my friends judge me everyday for being weird LOL I EMBRACE MY INNER WEIRDNESS. (plus, my friends are even weirder than me, okay. aint mah problem, girll) This reminds me of a quote I love by Dr. Seuss:

“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

So if you think we have a compatible weirdness, great! Thank you for wasting one minute of your life by reading this post about my life. You have great taste in bloggers 🙂 See y’all soon!